pmonkey@admin2023-11-03T11:28:54+08:00Go Bananas Workshop|
From designing and manipulating traditional hand puppets to learning the science behind puppets of various forms, turn your classroom into an art making space where culture and stories come to live.
pmonkey@admin2023-11-03T11:29:42+08:00Go Bananas Workshop|
This workshop aims to provide a platform for students to creatively express themselves through speech and drama.
pmonkey@admin2023-10-24T14:17:25+08:00Past Works|
What’s inside the Red Box This story is inspired by Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and his Red Box which he used while he was in political office. It has become a symbol of his unwavering passion and dedication to Singapore.
pmonkey@admin2022-07-12T11:02:12+08:00Main Season, Past Works|
Somewhere in a big tropical forest, there is a beautiful tree. On the tree, there lives a bird, a monkey and a rat. They are, well, not very good neighbours, annoying one another with their weird habits and behaviour.
Paper Monkey Theatre Ltd.
Goodman Arts Centre
90 Goodman Road
Block B, #01-05
Singapore 439053
Tel: (65) 6440 5706
© Paper Monkey Theatre Ltd. All Rights Reserved.