
编剧 / 导演:

2010年11月10日 – 12日

戏剧中心黑箱 Drama Centre Black Box

Zachary Ho, E-van Yeung, Rosemary Richard Sam


The Nonya Nightingale Poster


“头家” Neo 是一位富有的土生华人女当家,她决定将她的财富分配给她的三个女儿,并将最大的份额提供给最爱她的人。

得知头家Neo被住在花园里的夜莺美妙的歌声迷住后,大女儿捕获了这只鸣禽,而二女儿则制作了一只机械鸣禽来取悦母亲,以赢得她的青睐,但小女儿却没有. 头家Neo对最小的女儿似乎不像她的两个姐姐那样爱她而感到愤怒,大发雷霆并与三姐断绝关系。




  • Three colourful nonya puppets with flowers in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore
  • Old clock, hot water flask and tingkat in Three colourful nonya puppets with flowers in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore
  • An old lady a girl puppet and boxes in front of audience in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore
  • Three actors manipulating the colourful nonya puppets in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore
  • Three actors with paper Nonya costumes in happy expressions in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore
  • A pair of traditional Nonya beaded shoes and a Nonya puppet in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore
  • Colour Nonya Puppets with flowers and a nightingale puppet in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore
  • Three actors with paper Nonya costumes sitting on steps in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore
  • A nonya puppet and a moka coffee flask as puppet in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore
  • A red old clock as puppet in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore
  • A nonya puppet, a old water flask and moka in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore
  • A girl holding a toilet container with a boy laughing at her at the back
  • A mother pulling the ears of children playing handheld games in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore
  • A old red clock, a tingkat and old chairs in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore
  • Three colourful Nonya puppets in action in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore
  • Actor interacting with audience with Nonya puppet in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore
  • Children audience reacting to Nonya puppet on stage in The Nonya Nightingale by Paper Monkey Theatre Singapore



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