Past Workshop: Go Bananas with Puppets in Curriculum

Primary and Secondary*


12 sessions

1.5 hours

Mandarin or English

Venue and Technical Requirement:
Based on workshop needs

* The workshop’s difficulty will be tailored to the level of students.

Customised to requirements (Tote Board Arts Grant is applicable)

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Teachers can now bring language learning to a whole new level!

Puppets can be used as a pedagogy to help students gain confidence in using language. Through a semester-long curriculum, students can experiment with language through various activities such as puppeteering and scriptwriting.

By nurturing the students’ interest outside of the rigid and rote learning, students can expand their familiarity, comfortability and understanding towards language.

In this programme, students will…

  • Write and stage a simple puppetry presentation that they have created themselves.
  • Learn puppet theory, techniques and manipulation.
  • Grow their confidence, creativity, and communication skills.
  • Develop their self-expression skills through using language and inanimate objects.
  • Build empathy, teamwork and leadership skills through creative challenges.
Students holding up the puppets they made in Go Bananas Workshop

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2023-11-02T17:14:37+08:00Go Bananas Workshop, Past Works|
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