Go Bananas with Speech and Drama

Primary and Secondary*


2 to 12 sessions

1 hour to 1.5 hours/ sessions

English or Mandarin

Venue requirement:
A classroom or studio

Technical requirement:
Based on workshop needs

~ The workshop’s duration and content can be customised to cater to individual school’s needs.

* The workshop’s difficulty will be tailored to the students’ ability level.

Customised to requirements (Tote Board Arts Grant is applicable)

This workshop aims to provide a platform for students to confidently and creatively express themselves through speech and drama. Paper Monkey Theatre is able to seamlessly weave dramatic tools into the school’s syllabus, utilising various mediums such as movement, acting, and music. For a holistic experience, schools may also incorporate script writing into their programmes!

Let us know how we can cater to your requirements!

In this workshop, students will

  • Develop greater capacities for physical and linguistic self-expression.

  • Develop confidence in the articulation, communication and expression of thoughts and ideas.
  • Build empathy, and capacity for teamwork, and collaboration through activities and creative challenges.
A student holding a cat hand puppet facing a female puppet

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2023-11-03T11:29:42+08:00Go Bananas Workshop|
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